best electric toothbrush against blue background

The 4 Best Electric Toothbrushes For Gum Disease, Receding Gums, Sensitive Teeth, and Plaque

Electric toothbrushes have come a long way over the years. Some of the best electric toothbrushes have features like timers, sensitivity levels, and charging cases. 

But with so many options, how do you know which is right for you?

One way to narrow down your options is to look for toothbrushes with the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Approval. This seal indicates that the toothbrush has been evaluated by the ADA and is approved as safe and effective for removing plaque and helping to prevent and reduce gingivitis.

However, it’s important to note that just because a toothbrush has the ADA Seal of Approval doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best option for you. Everyone’s oral health needs are different, and you may need a different type of toothbrush based on your needs. 

For example, if you have sensitive teeth, you may want to look for a toothbrush with a sensitive mode or a smaller brush head.

So, let’s break down the best electric toothbrushes available to find your best toothbrush based on your individual needs.


Electric Toothbrush Versus Manual  

electric toothbrush versus manual toothbrush

You’ve likely been using a manual toothbrush for your entire life. So have electric toothbrushes been gaining so much popularity over the years?

Like most technological advances, an electric toothbrush is just more efficient versus a manual one. More specifically, electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing plaque and preventing gingivitis than manual toothbrushes. 

There are tons of studies to prove this. For example, in one study by the Cochrane Oral Health Group, people who used an electric toothbrush had 11% less plaque and 6% less gingivitis than those who used a manual toothbrush.

Another benefit of electric toothbrushes is that they’re just easier to use. With their oscillating and rotating bristles, electric toothbrushes do a lot of the work for you. All you have to do is hold the toothbrush against your teeth and gums and let it do its job!

This makes it an excellent option for people with limited dexterity or those who may have difficulty brushing their teeth effectively with a manual toothbrush.

Electric toothbrushes often come with timers and pressure sensors that help you brush for the recommended two minutes and ensure you’re not brushing too hard. 

This can help improve your brushing technique and make your oral care routine more effective!


What’s the ADA-Seal of Acceptance?

If you’ve been shopping around for oral care products, you may have seen this seal on some of the products you’ve seen. 

The ADA Seal of Acceptance is a symbol that indicates that a product has been evaluated by the ADA and is safe and effective for its intended use. 

This might seem like a shiny badge dental companies use for marketing, but it’s actually not that easy to get an ADA seal.

According to the ADA,

“Not every dental product submitted to the Program qualifies for the Seal. A product submission must include data from clinical and/or laboratory studies that demonstrate safety and efficacy according to product category requirements developed by the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs.”

The seal is only awarded to products that have been thoroughly tested and are effective at two things:

  1. Removing plaque, and
  2. Helping to prevent and reduce gingivitis.

The seal is awarded to a wide range of oral care products, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and mouth rinses.


4 Best Electric Toothbrushes Based on Your Oral Health

woman brushing his teeth with electric toothbrush

Basically, when you’re hunting down the best electric toothbrush, you should look for two things:

  1. The ADA Seal, and 
  2. Features based on your specific needs

For example, a high-powered electric toothbrush sounds promising and all, but you really don’t want that if you have sensitive teeth. And if you have receding gumlines, you want to steer clear of stiff bristle brushes.

Plus, these toothbrushes can cost upwards of $50. That’s an investment when you see those manual toothbrushes in the next aisle for only a couple of dollars. 

So before you spend your hard-earned money on the wrong oral health device, we’ve found these 4 ADA-approved electric toothbrushes for gum disease, receding gums, sensitive teeth, and plaque. 

Best Electric Toothbrush for Receding Gums

Bitvae best electric toothbrush receding gums

We think that the best electric toothbrush for receding gums is the Bitvae Sonic Electric Toothbrush (Smart S2).

This ADA-approved toothbrush gives you a red “pressure light warning” to let you know when you’re being too harsh during your oral care ritual. As Bitvae reminds us, “Brushing too hard can damage your teeth and gums.”

In other words, it can make your receding gumlines even worse.

Having a soft-bristle brush plus an active reminder to loosen your grip is terrific if your dentist has already diagnosed you with receding gums.


Best Electric Toothbrush for Gum Disease

Fairywill Best Electric Toothbrush for Gum Disease

One of the most common causes of gum disease is poor oral hygiene.

But here’s the thing: “poor oral hygiene” might just mean you have a bad toothbrush.

As you read earlier, electric toothbrushes and ADA-approved toothbrushes specifically help treat gum disease. A toothbrush that can really get in there and get between tightly packed teeth or hard-to-reach areas can help reverse the early stages of gum disease. 

That’s why Fairywill Sonic Electric Toothbrush is the best electric toothbrush for gum disease.

This ADA-approved toothbrush has a  “W” shape design that “can perfectly fit the gums and teeth getting into those hard-to-reach areas for a deep down satisfying clean.”

It even has color-changing bristles to remind you when to change your toothbrush head for better oral health!

Did we mention it’s also waterproof?


Best Electric Toothbrush for Sensitive Teeth

Goby best electric toothbrush for sensitive teeth

It’s pretty common to have sensitive teeth, especially if you’re a former “harsh” brusher. In this case, the best electric toothbrush for sensitive teeth would be the Goby Electric Toothbrush.

This ADA-approved toothbrush is known for its gentle touch. They designed this toothbrush with you in mind. On their website, Goby specifies,”Our soft, premium bristles provide a thorough — yet gentle — clean. Two speeds, normal and sensitive, guarantee all mouths a happy brushing.”

A toothbrush with a special “sensitive” setting? Sold!


Best Electric Toothbrush for Plaque 

Aquasonic best electric toothbrush for plaque

And finally, if you’re looking best electric toothbrush for plaque, you’ll want to invest in the AquaSonic Toothbrush (Black Series).

This ADA-approved toothbrush has a 40,000 VPM ultrasonic motor, which uses its energy to dig up even the most stubborn plaque. Aquasonic says it’s like “flossing while you brush.”

This electric toothbrush promises to remove 10x more plaque, all while providing you with:

  • Ultra-fast wireless charging
  • 4 mode operation
  • Smart vibration timers
  • 8 DuPont engineered brush heads (2.5+ year supply), and
  • A custom travel case

And for just $40??

We highly recommend this Black Series Aquasonic toothbrush to our most dedicated oral health enthusiasts.

But even the best electric toothbrush won’t remove all that stubborn plaque. That’s what your bi-annual dentist visits are for! Schedule your FREE consultation with Dr. Lasry! If you’re in Los Angeles, California, give us a call at 310-734-7705. 

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