dentist putting Invisalign with attachments on patient's teeth

5 Reasons To Consider Invisalign with Attachments

Are you considering Invisalign for a straighter smile? If so, you may have heard about Invisalign with attachments. Invisalign attachments are a popular orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligners to gradually shift teeth into the desired position.

First up, let’s take a closer look at what these attachments are and whether or not you need them.


What are Invisalign Attachments?

Invisalign attachments, also known as refinements, are small tooth-colored buttons that are placed on your teeth to help your aligners fit more snugly.Invisalign attachments

Photo Credit: Healthline

These work in conjunction with your retainers to apply the necessary force to straighten your teeth. They are made from a composite material that matches the color of your teeth, making them nearly invisible.

Do YOU Need Attachments?

Refinements are typically used to treat more complex orthodontic cases and can help achieve more precise tooth movements. Not everyone who gets Invisalign treatment will require attachments. It all depends on the severity of your misalignment, the shape of your teeth, and your specific treatment plan. 

dentist putting Invisalign with attachments on patient's teeth

Your dentist or orthodontist will determine whether or not you need attachments during your initial consultation. 

It’s the same with braces. Sometimes you need rubber bands with your braces to fix over or underbites. Sometimes your dentist may recommend Invisalign refinements over traditional Invisalign to achieve the best results.

Here are some potential candidates for Invisalign with attachments:

  • People with large gaps between their teeth
  • Individuals with crooked or rotated teeth
  • Patients with teeth that require vertical movements
  • Those who have previously had orthodontic treatment
  • People with bite issues, such as overbite or underbite


5 Reasons To Consider Invisalign with Attachments

Here are five ways Invisalign with attachments can improve your smile.

1. Faster Results

Invisalign attachments can give you faster results compared to traditional braces. The attachments help your teeth move more effectively, so you can achieve your desired results in a shorter period. According to a study by NCBI, Invisalign with attachments can reduce treatment time by up to 50%.

2. Better Precision

The attachments used in Invisalign treatment allow for better precision in tooth movement. This means that your teeth can move in a more controlled manner, resulting in a more accurate and desirable outcome.

3. More Comfortable

If you ever had rubber bands with your braces (or have a friend who did), you know how horribly uncomfortable they are! Thankfully, our Invisalign patients agree that these attachments are more vastly comfortable (especially because there are no wires or brackets). The aligners and attachments are made from smooth, comfortable materials that won’t irritate your gums or cheeks.

4. Discreet Appearance

Invisalign with attachments is virtually invisible. The clear aligners and tooth-colored attachments blend seamlessly with your teeth, making them nearly undetectable. You can feel confident in your smile while undergoing treatment.

5. Corrects Complex Dental Issues

Invisalign with attachments can correct more complex dental issues, such as overcrowding, spacing, and bite problems. The attachments help the aligners apply the right amount of force to move your teeth in the right direction, even in cases where traditional braces may have been required.


FAQs about Invisalign with Attachments

before and after Invisalign attachments

Invisalign attachments are a great way to improve your smile quickly and discreetly. With faster results, better precision, more comfort, and the ability to correct complex dental issues, Invisalign with attachments is an excellent option for anyone looking to straighten their teeth. 

Let’s address some of the Frequently Asked Questions about Invisalign refinements.


My Invisalign attachments fell off! What do I do?

If those small buttons have fallen off, don’t panic! Contact your orthodontist or dentist right away to schedule an appointment to have them replaced.

In the meantime, continue wearing your aligners as directed, even without the attachments, to avoid delaying your treatment.

Your orthodontist will assess the damage and determine the best course of action to get you back on track with your Invisalign treatment plan.

What is the Invisalign attachments removal process like? 

The removal process is pretty quick— and, yes, painless.

Your orthodontist or dentist will use a dental handpiece to gently grind away the attachments, being careful not to damage the teeth.

The process usually takes just a few minutes per tooth. After the buttons are removed, you may notice some slight roughness on the surface of your teeth, but this can be smoothed out with polishing.

What are the different types of Invisalign attachments? 

  • Invisalign buttons: Small, tooth-colored bumps that provide additional grip for aligners.
  • Invisalign elastics: Rubber bands that connect to the button to adjust bite and jaw alignment.
  • Invisalign power ridges: Raised bumps that help align the arch and straighten teeth.
  • Invisalign precision wings: Wing-like aligners that attach to the first and pre-molars. These help shift your jaw forward if you have an overbite.
  • Invisalign smart force attachments: Tooth-colored shapes that provide a precise amount of force to move teeth.

Please note that the specific attachments used in your treatment will depend on your individual orthodontic needs and treatment plan.

Do Invisalign attachments stay on the whole time?

Yes, these are typically designed to stay on your teeth throughout your treatment unless they become damaged or need to be replaced.

These attachments are strategically placed on specific teeth to help your aligners apply the right amount of force to shift your teeth into their desired positions.

Although they may feel slightly uncomfortable at first, you should get used to wearing them within a few days.

Do they hurt?

They may cause some mild discomfort when they are first attached or removed, but they should not cause significant pain.

You may experience some sensitivity or soreness in your mouth for a few days after the attachments are placed, but this should subside quickly.

If you experience any discomfort or irritation that is severe or persistent, contact your orthodontist or dentist for advice.

Will they stain my teeth?

While these are made of tooth-colored composite material, attachments can sometimes pick up stains from food or drinks.

However, they are usually changed every few weeks as part of the Invisalign treatment, so any staining is temporary.

It’s important to maintain a good oral hygiene routine by brushing and flossing regularly to minimize staining and ensure optimal oral health.

Want to know more about Invisalign? Contact Lasry Dental Clinic today to schedule your FREE consultation!

1 reply
  1. Zachary Tomlinson
    Zachary Tomlinson says:

    I find it fascinating that you can invest in Invisalign to fix crooked teeth. I never knew that this could help you improve your smile without the need to change your diet. I will consider recommending this idea to my colleague so he can try it out.


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